Saturday, June 30, 2012

[Action Script] Preloader loads too fast June,2012


My preloader is in frame one and it has only 6 kb of data, its for a game, it loads really fast , i really would like it to show up for atleast 4-5 seconds before it goes to game play page .....

i am using the below code on the

var percent:int = Math.round(e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal * 100);
progressBar.width = percent / 100 * progressArea.width;
percentageText.text = percent + "%";


can some one help me to find a way that he preloader loads a little slower and shows up for a few seconds ...

I am using the concept of loading content in frame 2 by changing the action script settings in flash cs4 ......


Preloader loads too fast

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