Friday, June 22, 2012

[Action Script] Firefox 'back' button kills Flash June,2012


I've been searching online in general for several hours and specifically on for the last few minutes to try and find a solution for the following issue that only seems to occur in Firefox:

1.) Click on a button in some Flash content and navigateToURL using a target of '_self'
2.) Click the browser's 'back' button to return to the page you came from
3.) The button in the flash content no longer works.

It seems like this is a FF issue more than anything. I've tried the following solutions to no avail:

- Force the Flash content not to cache
- Use ExternalInterface to check the browser type and if Firefox, use ExternalInterface to call a js function on the HTML page which sets the focus on some other non-flash HTML element.

If anyone has run across this before and has had some success resolving it, please let me know.

Firefox 'back' button kills Flash

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