Saturday, May 12, 2012

[Action Script] Problems with using the attachMovie and with code... Request help! D: May,2012

This loads the movie symbol, and adds 1 to rotation, but it should be constantly adding 1 to rotation, I don't understand why it's not, doesn't the with(obj){} write all the code for the symbol? If so, this code would normally rotate a symbol constantly +1, I don't understand why it's not working... :confused:

Code: onClipEvent(enterFrame)
        _root.attachMovie("Dirt", "Dirt1", 1,{_x:_root.creator_1._x, _y:_root.creator_1._y});
                        _root.Dirt1._rotation += 1;
Problems with using the attachMovie and with code... Request help! D:

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