Tuesday, May 29, 2012

[Action Script] LoadVariables in external swf not working on web server May,2012


I have a main swf movie which has a movie clip place holder called "device_properties". I also have external swf movie clips that have "loadvariable" actionscript interfacing with an .asp page.

The external swf movie clips are loaded into the movie clip place holder ("device_properties") of the main swf by a "loadmovie" actionscript command attached to a button.

**The following is the actionscript for the button in the main swf:

on (release) {
loadMovie("swf/12vps_1.swf", "device_properties");

**The following is the actionscript for the external swf movie with the loadvariables:

onClipEvent (data) {
strDevice_Label = Device_Label;
strID = ID;
strDevice = Device;
strDevice_Description = Device_Description;
strManufacturer = Manufacturer;
strModel = Model;
strLocation = Location;
strTotal_Amps = Total_Amps;


onClipEvent (load) {

loadVariables("../../db/001_12vps_1.asp?", this);


If I open the external swf movie by itself (on the web server), the variables are loaded and displayed in the dynamic text fields just fine..But when I load the same external swf movie into the the movie clip place holder ("device_properties") of the main swf by clicking the button (once again from the web server) the variables are not displayed...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
LoadVariables in external swf not working on web server

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