Friday, June 1, 2012

[Action Script] Push to Array and Keep? May,2012

I'm making a catching game and I need to know which things are being caught and in what order, but I can't find a way to get which MC is being pushed into the array. I also need to call these variables in a new frame. Is someone able to help me? I've been searching forums for hours and not finding something that works for what I need.

Question 1: How do I get the MC name from an array with pushed elements and turn it into a string and maybe as their own new variable?

Question 2: How do I then call those elements in a new frame?

**I don't want "You caught: 4 red, 3 blue, and 5 green" I want "You caught: blue, red, blue, green, yellow" then take those to a new frame where blue = video1 is played and and red = video2 is played, etc....
Push to Array and Keep?

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