Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Web 3.0 - The Next Internet Revolution

Engineers from the Silicon valley have created a virtual picture how Web 3.0 can revolutionize the internet. According to them, in 2030 Web 3.0 will be very powerful and smart. It will be able to connect every aspect of our digital lives.

Web 3.0 will have the possibility to know when you are typing an email and what subject the email has. It will also be able to suggest websites, books, documents and photos you have saved and choose which one can be relevant to your topic.

Basically the new web is going to almost have a brain. PHP Framework wants to improve the basic platform Internet. The main purpose of Web 2.0 was to gather collective intelligence of internet users to give information on internet a relevant value. The goal was to improve web's usability and creating connections between internet users.

In Web 3.0, the aim is to renew the web's key index. The java mobile application "a natural language search": search engines will be able to answer full questions and be not focused on the original search terms. The platform will be more open which means the possibility to mix and match (Mash-up) different services on the web.

According to John Doerr, one of the founding board member at Google "Web 3.0 will be a immersive and multi-dimensional environment". Many areas will be affected by the web, he warned them that they need to be ready.

Web - Web 2.0 - So be prepared to the next internet revolution = Web 3.0!

Anja Glauch is the co-founder and managing director of Tetridia Ltd. She began her career in Information Technology more than 11 years ago. She is leading the companies Online Marketing, Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation activities.

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